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  • #261057


        • Всего сообщений: 559

      Цитата osiris 21
      «Паралеьную стойку не только встречал у литовцев-это во вторых.»

      Пока автором цитаты не приведены другие источники позволю себе вспомнить
      1. Байгулов Ю.П. «НТ вчера,сегодня,завтра» стр.79 «Топ-спин с подрезки. Спортсмен занимает позицию, развернув левым боком туловище к столу и выставив вперед левую ногу, вес тела переносит на правую ногу и опускает плечо игровой руки ниже левого; затем, быстро разгибая правую ногу в колене, направляет туловище вперед-вверх, перенося вес тела на левую ногу, подводит предплечье руки с ракеткой, как бы скользя по поверхности мяча…»
      2. проф. Барчукова Г.В. и др. «Теория и методика НТ»-учебник для вузов. стр.188 «Топ-спин, завершающий удар. 1-я фаза — замах — из основной нейтральной стойки игрок делает шаг правой ногой в сторону.При этом левая нога впереди.Одновременно игрок немного скручивает туловище вправо, вес тела переносит на правую ногу и опускает правое плечо вниз….»
      Думаю достаточно, чтобы понять ошибочность и вредность «параллельной топсовой стойки»!
      PS Да в одном из прошлогодних номеров «НТ» есть диаграмма по моему Жан Инин, которая делает топс из нейтральной стойки.Но это приведено как исключение из ПРАВИЛА — такой топс выполняется только при острой нехватке времени для разворота и при этом надо просто быть еще и …чемпионкой мира!



          • Всего сообщений: 91

        Не знаю пример паралельно стоящих атакующих игроков. Не только у Худеца это написано, китайцы пишут тоже самое, в частности тренер Wu JingPing под началом которого тренировались Ма Линь и Ван Хао, там вся техника построена на этом и судя по всему она явно эффективнее чем у неизвестных литовцев.

        Blade - BTY JSH
        FH - T64
        BH - TSP Curl



            • Всего сообщений: 362

          Вот еще обучающее видео, типа топспин за пять минут с нуля http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOggvSU5L38
          ИМХО: разучивать топспин под музыку этого видео лучше, чем под музыку в клипе автора топика. Она больше соответствует психологии топспина…



              • Всего сообщений: 4225

            @anrom56 wrote:

            Цитата osiris 21
            «Паралеьную стойку не только встречал у литовцев-это во вторых.»

            Пока автором цитаты не приведены другие источники позволю себе вспомнить
            1. Байгулов Ю.П. «НТ вчера,сегодня,завтра» стр.79 «Топ-спин с подрезки. Спортсмен занимает позицию, развернув левым боком туловище к столу и выставив вперед левую ногу, вес тела переносит на правую ногу и опускает плечо игровой руки ниже левого; затем, быстро разгибая правую ногу в колене, направляет туловище вперед-вверх, перенося вес тела на левую ногу, подводит предплечье руки с ракеткой, как бы скользя по поверхности мяча…»
            2. проф. Барчукова Г.В. и др. «Теория и методика НТ»-учебник для вузов. стр.188 «Топ-спин, завершающий удар. 1-я фаза — замах — из основной нейтральной стойки игрок делает шаг правой ногой в сторону.При этом левая нога впереди.Одновременно игрок немного скручивает туловище вправо, вес тела переносит на правую ногу и опускает правое плечо вниз….»
            Думаю достаточно, чтобы понять ошибочность и вредность «параллельной топсовой стойки»!
            PS Да в одном из прошлогодних номеров «НТ» есть диаграмма по моему Жан Инин, которая делает топс из нейтральной стойки.Но это приведено как исключение из ПРАВИЛА — такой топс выполняется только при острой нехватке времени для разворота и при этом надо просто быть еще и …чемпионкой мира!

            Ошибочность и вредность?Ну так не думаю.Сойдемся на том,что вы правы, да и я это отметил. А книгу хочу ой как найти-худец с Барчуковой и близко не валялись. На худой конец-худец :-).Но Барчукова-надо ж себя уважать :( Писанина ради бабла.)

            Blade: Kodola Viktor (Hand Made)
            Forehand: SPINLORD Marder II 1.5 (Black)
            Backhand:  TSP Curl-P1-R 1.2



                • Всего сообщений: 4225

              @vewglas wrote:

              Не знаю пример паралельно стоящих атакующих игроков. Не только у Худеца это написано, китайцы пишут тоже самое, в частности тренер Wu JingPing под началом которого тренировались Ма Линь и Ван Хао, там вся техника построена на этом и судя по всему она явно эффективнее чем у неизвестных литовцев.

              Есть в инете материалы этого Китайца?

              Blade: Kodola Viktor (Hand Made)
              Forehand: SPINLORD Marder II 1.5 (Black)
              Backhand:  TSP Curl-P1-R 1.2



                  • Всего сообщений: 142

                @osyris21 wrote:

                Есть в инете материалы этого Китайца?

                Wu JingPing — Basics of the forehand loop (1)

                Legs should be shoulder width apart with the body weight forward and on the
                balls of your feet. When looping, the body should be facing the right (for
                right handers), body weight should be in the right leg. When turning your
                waist, your waist should control your upper arm and your forearm should be
                resting under the upper arm. Using your wrist to control your bat (while making
                using your thumb to close the angle of the bat, your forefinger should be
                relaxed while the middle finger is supporting the bat itself)


                The bat angle should change accordingly to suit the incoming spin (ie. more
                topspin = closed bat etc). Contacting the ball: Firstly, use your legs to
                exert strength, transfer your weight from your right leg to your left leg,
                changing the place of your body weight with you leaning forward (not back).
                You should be moving in one direction with the arm and bat following the body.
                Using that weight transfer channel the strength through the arm and our through
                the forearm and immediately snap the forearm with force to contact the ball.
                The angle between the forearm and upper arm should be as little as possible.
                This is half the work (having a straight arm). The straighter the arm, the more
                power you will have. So the faster you snap your forearm forward the more speed
                you will have. Many people when teaching the forehand loop will emphasise on
                the snapping of the forearm but not emphasise on the weight transfer and
                winding back of the wrist — or the other way round. (Wu is just saying people
                don’t fully teach it — many just teach bits of the proper technique)

                Summing up:

                1. WEIGHT TRANSFER! The body weight should be directed forward and the body
                should move with the arm.

                2. You must use your waist to control the upper arm. The power (power and speed
                are not synonymous here) should come from the waist — NOT the forearm. There
                should be a balance between the legs, waist, upper arm, forearm and wrist
                for the distribution of the exert of power.

                3. It is paramount that when contacting the ball you must snap your forearm
                forward. The wrist should be involved in this snapping. The faster you snap
                there will be more power.

                4. The area of contact should be in the person’s right front area. (ie. Where
                the ball (not on the ball) should be contacted) The closer the ball is to
                the body when contacted, the easier it is to control the ball.

                Another thing that goes down the drain sometimes is that everyone is different
                and we must tweak our technique sometimes to fit the person. The person must
                adapt their own style. Also, when contacting the ball, it must be striking the
                ball, NOT letting the ball strike the bat (ie passive shot)

                (2) Forehand looping structure changes
                In my country (China), there are more and more penholders and as technique
                doens’t stop changing, there will forever be an increasing number of penholders
                (using inverted). Most of the penholders using inverted rubbers took after the
                penholder hitters who used short pimples. So it is often good to relate the
                original style with the new style using inverted. So it is important to stick
                with some of the fundamentals of being a penholder — being near the table,
                short, quick and powerful shots while maintaining that speed is the name of
                the game. There is less all-out-power drives when training — more of the
                continuous sustainable driving. For those who have been professionally trained,
                it is very hard to change the technique and action that you’ve been drilled
                into doing. This has affected the way Chinese penholders loop — where there is
                not much power used. So I’ve encountered a problem these few years in training
                penholders using inverted rubber. Thus, when I trained Ma Lin and Wang Hao,
                I had to change their old habits, especially powerful spinney looping. This was
                the main thing I had worked on and that many penholders need to change. I had
                to change their attitudes — action small, quick, continuity, to action was
                comfortable, quick around the court (covering wide spaces), powerful and
                continuity. A special stress on the important of having a POWERFUL loop and
                how it needs to be continuous and have the ability to be lethal. In normal
                training situations I told Ma Lin and Wang Hao to add more power to their loops
                and the follow up needed after that. In a stable training environment my aim
                was to get them to exert more powerful loops from mid distance by feeding them
                half-high backspin balls. I asked them to use as much strength as they possibly
                could. The focus was to time it right so that you could unleash your power when
                you needed it. Slowly they learnt how to loop with lots of power — utilising
                power and technique from the legs, waist, upper arm, forearm and wrist to
                combine into a power loop. The main thing was the use of the legs and waist to
                generate the power needed and the shift of body weight from right to left. The
                next thing was to train their ‘all table’ (from all angles) power loop from
                topspin balls. The focus here was to improve continuity and footwork all over
                the table. Through this training, Ma and Wang’s forehand powerloop was
                dramatically improved. I could see results from competitions their had
                participated in — that there was a profound effect on their game.
                This modernised the game and was a breakthrough in the development of CPEN
                with inverted rubber — getting rid of the old ways. In terms of people who are
                not necessarily professional, if you want to improve your forehand loop’s
                lethality, you must integrate maximum power looping into your training.

                Summing up:
                The forehand is actually a very complicated technique — it includes: near table
                looping, mid table looping, far table looping, looping topspin, backspin,
                counter looping other peoples loops, looping half-out balls etc… Aside from
                all these shots, a more important point is footwork. It affects the ‘life’ of
                your forehand, it affects the way you can time your loops and adjust the level
                of power on it. If you want to train your loops well, you first need to train
                your footwork. That’s why amateurs cannot train at the same intensity as
                professionals — their footwork just doesn’t allow for it. Despite this, amateurs
                can still get the right technique for striking the ball — even if their footwork
                isn’t as good as the pros.

                Below I’ve given you all an introduction and run through on the training methods
                and technique.
                1. Looping backspin to a certain point on the table: loop driving is the
                penholders most basic attack. You must take care in using the wrist. When
                contacting the ball you must use the wrist to brush the ball, contacting the
                ball on the bat at the middle top (9-10oclock), using the wrist to adjust to
                the incoming speed and spin to add more power to your loop. This is what we
                often hear of ?loop-driving?. Half loop half hit. When looping weak backspin
                you must brush and drive the ball at the same time. When looping strong backspin
                you must use all your power to brush up the ball to compensate for the heavy
                backspin. You must also note not to let the ball touch the bat, rather the bat
                hitting the ball (ie. Don?t do a passive shot). This is often what we heart of
                ?eat ball? [literal translation not sure of its meaning]. You should aim to
                have the ball contacting the ball for as long as possible. As you train your
                looping sensation will be heightened and the quality of it will be increased
                (ie. Speed and spin). Training method: when multiball is not available, one
                person can serve backspin, the other pushes and the server (on the backhand
                side) will attempt to loop drive the push. When looping you must ensure that
                you use a full 100% power loop. You should not be worrying about the next ball,
                rather making it so powerful and spinney that the opponent cannot possibly
                return it. Through this training your loops will become more powerful. Be aware
                to hit the ball at the highest point. Obviously you will have to adjust your
                technique accordingly. If it goes out, aim more forward, not up ? and if it goes
                into the net you will have to brush more. Once this step is mastered, focus on
                aiming the ball so that you can put your loopdrive anywhere on the table.

                2. Looping topspin to a certain point on the table: Looping backspin and topspin
                is different. When looping topspin you must contact the ball on the top of it.
                12oclock position. There is more hit compared to brushing. The force must be
                aimed forward and not upward. This is easier to train than backspin ? one can
                block on the backhand or forehand while the other loops. In the case of
                multiball the server can give out balls to anywhere on the table ? to train
                footwork as well as looping topspin.

                3. Looping against a loop (counterlooping): Counterlooping is a high level
                technique ? most of the time only professionals can master this technique.
                Because many amateurs counterloop by bringing the ball high up and looping that
                way, you will stop at that level and not progress from there. When
                counterlooping you are required to firstly create power by yourself, not to
                borrow from the opponent?s spin or speed, using your own speed and spin to
                counteract the opponent?s spin and speed. When counterlooping your brush loop
                must be ?thin? (ie not to leave the ball on the bat for long) and you need to
                contact the ball on top of the ball ? 12oclock position. If you create your own
                power from this counterloop instead of borrowing it, the chance if you winning
                the point will be higher. If you are scared of the opponent?s speed and spin
                then you will be susceptible to eating their spin and speed. Training method:
                one person serves backspin to your backhand area, you push it to your pivot
                forehand area, then one person will loop high spinney loop to your backhand and
                then you counterloop to his backhand. After practice of this you can change the
                point where the ball drops to another location.

                4. Near table quick counterattack against loop (half-volley): This is one of a
                very new defensive (turning into attack) technique and it is very different to
                master it. During the 90?s this technique was developed. Like with blocking,
                we are borrowing the opponent?s spin ? we are very susceptible in the
                competition situation to be continuously looped and hit by the opponent. After
                the 90?s Chinese athletes used the counterloop technique and put it near the
                table ? especially with inverted rubbered penholders ? turning defense into
                attack and having great results with it. An exception example is Ma Lin. It
                requires the athlete to be very quick in his decision-making, accurate and with
                good feeling with the ball. Because many shots will be off balance or not where
                we want the ball to loop, we loose our ability to produce high quality shots
                ourselves. Although many amateurs will not use this technique, some that go
                through training and use this shot will have good results with it. This
                technique is all about timing and using the wrist to exert power. When
                contacting the ball you will want to do it when the ball is rising ? and if you
                footwork is quick enough you can even do a very quick half-volley. When
                contacting, use the wrist and waist to exert power, to contact it on the top of
                the ball (12 oclock), making sure to brush the ball only very slightly. If you
                brush too hard it will easily go into the net. When contacting you must have
                your force going forward and not up. Training method: one person pushes
                backspin to the others forehand and one loops, and then half volleys. You can
                experiment with different looping positions and then half volley. The main
                thing is making sure you brush the ball very lightly and slightly while
                exerting power by yourself.

                (3) Main points of the FH loop
                For amateur (non-professional) players, you must note the following when
                training your loop:

                1. Snap your forearm forward: you must adjust the angle of your arm (between
                upper arm and forearm) to suit the incoming ball. Another thing, when snapping
                the forearm you must control it with your waist.

                2. Waist turning: Controlling your overall arm with your waist is very important.
                Your loop should not be powered by the arm, rather the waist. The movement of
                the waist should be fast. Many amateurs know how to move their arm but not
                their waist and so the technique suffers from this.

                3. Contact point: The best place for contacting the ball is in front of the
                body to the right (for right handers). To achieve this with every ball you need
                to have quick footwork and you need to maintain a good balance of body weight
                (so that the weight isn?t shifting from left to right all the time). Ma Lin
                always uses his forehand from backhand side explosive forehand loop drive when
                the opponent pushes a long but low ball. Ma does his explosive loop and there
                is no chance of him recovering if the opponent returns the ball. Although Ma?s
                body weight is centred quite low he contacts the ball at its highest or even
                falling point.

                4. Use of the wrist: The wrist has its place ? the movement shouldn?t be too
                big. When contacting the ball, using the middle finger to guide the wrist, you
                can add power and spin to the ball (for penholders). Another use of the wrist
                is to adjust the timing of the contact. An example of this is when you judge
                the incoming spin and speed wrongly, you can use the wrist to adjust accordingly.
                When the ball is out of your hitting range you need to use your waist and wrist
                to adjust for the ball. Especially in competitions where many of the balls you
                face are not orthodox, and when the ball comes to a point on the table where
                you?re not very familiar with. You must use the pointing finger and middle finger (in
                penholders) to utilise the wrist. In most situations the forearm and wrist
                should be in line.

                5. ?Eating balls? (passive shot etc): When we judge whether a sports person is
                good or bad, we mainly look at whether they eat spin/balls. This is where the
                ball stays on the bat for too long, while it is not the bat hitting the ball
                rather the ball hitting the bat (passive shot). When training try as much as
                possible to not borrow the power of the opponent rather creating your own.
                While it may not be obvious in normal training whether the player makes passive
                shots, it is obvious in competitions where they are nervous and cannot fully
                make their shots. You need to make it a habit to be active in your shots ? not

                6. Third ball attack ? differences between topspin and backspin: in terms of
                movement there is not much difference, the difference is where you contact the
                ball. For backspin, middle to top part, and for topspin 12oclock, on top of the
                ball. Adjust the power of your shot accordingly to suit the incoming ball. Loop
                driving topspin: body weight forward. Especially when counter-looping, brushing
                should be thin and easily returned. 7. Small adjustments: Many of my amateur
                friends have this problem. In competitions it?s very hard to have small
                adjustments for every ball. In training you need to develop a feel for the ball.
                In amateur terms, small adjustments work best in spin changing — sometimes
                looping with strong spin and sometimes looping with very weak topspin.

                Forehand topspin technique is one of table tennis?s most important strokes,
                if not the most important. The use of the legs, waist and arm/wrist is
                paramount. If you adjust these three elements properly you can have a very
                powerful and often scary game.

                We can split forehand topspin into two different kinds: European style and Asian
                style. European style forehand demands more hitting than brushing ? therefore
                the end loop is one that is fast, powerful and low. Asian style forehand demands
                more brush ? therefore when the ball bounces off the other side of the table it
                jumps. It is also fast and low but has more spin. Because this technique has
                been in development for so many years, many players have a composite style
                forehand and it usually not 100% clear whether they have a completely Asian or
                European forehand. Looping isn?t hard but you need to train it very hard for it
                to be successful. So how do we master the forehand loop? (for righthanders)

                1. Technique deconstruction

                a) Ready stance: before looping, the stance must be
                stable. For most situations, you should be about 1.5m away from the table. Left
                foot in front, right foot at the back. Legs should be shoulder width apart.
                Legs should be bent, body weight low and forward. The body and the table corner
                should be 45 degrees.

                b) Looping: when looping topspin, the right arm should be relaxed. Body
                weight should be in the right leg. Then, waist will turn back. Unleash the
                waist and bring with it the arm and then snap the forearm at contact. Body
                weight should transfer from right to left. Be sure to brush loop and to have
                your body weight forward and actively strike the ball. After contacting the
                ball, your upper and lower arm must immediately relax and then recovery back
                to the ready stance. C) Footwork: When looping, according to the position of
                the ball, move so that the ball is in the optimum hitting position. When moving
                around the court it is essential to ensure that your body weight is balanced
                and that you?re not moving in all directions.

                2. High arc loop and forward drive loop: Mostly high arc loops are used for
                looping backspin. The spin of a high arc loop is very high but it is often
                predictable and slow. Adjust the contact point on the ball according to the
                amount of spin. When looping high arc, the right arm (for right handers) should
                sink very low and then directing the shot, loop upwards to get it over the net,
                and then forward across to the other side. Forward loop drives have speed and
                power but lack spin. If the incoming backspin is very strong, you will need to
                pull back the waist further and generate more lifting power from the forearm to
                brush the ball.

                3. Inside table high spin loop: This type of technique requires high level
                skills. Firstly you need to determine the placement and the height and
                according to the height strike the ball. Usually the brush is very ?thin? when
                doing topspin balls. With backspin it very difficult. If you can control and
                attack short backspin balls you will be very powerful.

                4. Rubber and the loop: Chinese rubber and European/Japanese rubbers are
                very different and have different characteristics and therefore change the
                style of the player/shot. Europeans loop more with hit than loop because
                European rubber topsheet is not tacky, sponge is soft but is bouncy. If you use
                Euro/Jap rubbers, the ball must sink into the sponge and ?dwell? so that you
                have more control over the spin and speed of the incoming ball. (ie. Not as
                sensitive to spin) This is even better because more Europeans are taller and
                more powerful than the Chinese players. Chinese players brush the ball more
                especially since their rubbers (in particular Hurricane series) are tackier and
                the ball doesn?t sink into the sponge much. This makes the rubber and blade
                combination fast. Because there is more brushing, the quality of the loop is

                COURTESY OF PP DUI
                5 common problems in forehand looping:
                1. Gravity center falls on your heels so that you are in a sitting gesture
                while looping, your power from legs cannot be used effectively, and your arm
                forced to move more upward, reducing the power, speed and spin of your loop.

                2. Stiff arm and hand. In the process of getting ready to loop, you have stiff
                muscle, which locks your power in your body. After contacting the ball, a stiff
                muscle prevents you from releasing all your power, thus slow you down to get
                ready for next shot.

                3. No or lack of turning your waist. Use only your hand to loop would greatly
                reduce your power, spin, and speed.

                4. Raising your elbow or shoulder. Raising your elbow or shoulder while looping
                will reduce the harmony among your leg, waist, arm and hand. Block the power
                from your leg and waist to transform to your racket.

                5. Lack of footwork. When you lack proper footwork, you are forced to wait for
                the ball to come to your racket, lose your timing, you have to lower you point
                of contacting the ball, preventing your from utilizing all your power in your
                whole body.

                — COMPLETED —

                Смотри также


                OSP Virtuoso
                FH: DHS H3 Neo
                BH: Tibhar Aurus Sound



                    • Всего сообщений: 4023

                  @Fraer wrote:

                  Про палеолит поясняю: при ведении полемики всяческие апелляции к своему возрасту, социальному статусу, разряду по боксу, наличию друзей-бандитов и т.д. — истинность высказываний не меняют. Они только свидетельствуют о том, что человек стремится перенести действия из плоскости спора в плоскость разборок «чей ранг в стаде выше». Это характерно для наших неразумных предков, но для существ, постигших законы логики, это уже не годится.

                  Тонкий намек на то, что Фраер постиг законы логики… Сама скромность… Ну, про топс уже по умолчанию молчим :)))

                  Freitas, Тенерджи 05



                      • Всего сообщений: 4023

                    что топ-спины, что подрезки делаются с разворотом корпуса и ног, с приседанием и переносом центра тяжести с одной ноги на другую… Более того по своему опыту скажу, если я стараюсь как следует перенести вес тела с правой ноги на левую мне удается вытягивать более сложные мячи, топс получается мощнее и стабильнее, и всегда попадаю в стол, даже при самых косых мячах (как раз для косых мячей и помогает перенос центра тяжести тела)… НО если идет быстраю игра около стола, то допускается ставить ноги на одной линии и разворачивать только плечи, для экономии времени и более молниеносной атаки, особенно хорошо это умеют делать японские женщины играющие у стола быстро подставами и топсами средней силы….

                    Freitas, Тенерджи 05



                        • Всего сообщений: 1783

                      @caracupa wrote:

                      что топ-спины, что подрезки делаются с разворотом корпуса и ног, с приседанием и переносом центра тяжести с одной ноги на другую… Более того по своему опыту скажу, если я стараюсь как следует перенести вес тела с правой ноги на левую мне удается вытягивать более сложные мячи, топс получается мощнее и стабильнее, и всегда попадаю в стол, даже при самых косых мячах (как раз для косых мячей и помогает перенос центра тяжести тела)… НО если идет быстраю игра около стола, то допускается ставить ноги на одной линии и разворачивать только плечи, для экономии времени и более молниеносной атаки, особенно хорошо это умеют делать японские женщины играющие у стола быстро подставами и топсами средней силы….

                      Ну,делаешь,и делай,как можешь.
                      А какое это имеет отношение к теме?.То есть ты начинающий и должны с тебеподобным уровнем делать также?
                      Или уже стал ОПЫТНЫМ и учишь? Или это только ИМХО?
                      Два раза прочёл и так и не врубился. И почему именно японские женщины?!
                      Текст на английском о технике НТ читал? Очень полезно на ночь.

                      Иногда кажется,что ты сам спрашиваешь и тут же,подумав, вдогонку отсылаешь. Почти по Немченко. 😆



                          • Всего сообщений: 4023

                        вот смотрим у японки частенько ноги параллельны столы, но иногда во время мощных ударов её заносит после удара или она успевает развернуться перед ударом… но все-таки в основном играет без разворота стойки по отношению к столу

                        Freitas, Тенерджи 05



                            • Всего сообщений: 4023

                          @Юрис wrote:

                          Ну,делаешь,и делай,как можешь.
                          А какое это имеет отношение к теме?.То есть ты начинающий и должны с тебеподобным уровнем делать также?
                          Или уже стал ОПЫТНЫМ и учишь? Или это только ИМХО?
                          Два раза прочёл и так и не врубился. И почему именно японские женщины?!
                          Текст на английском о технике НТ читал? Очень полезно на ночь.

                          Иногда кажется,что ты сам спрашиваешь и тут же,подумав, вдогонку отсылаешь. Почти по Немченко. 😆

                          эй, ты чей фанат? фанатей, но не хами… а вопросы ты у нас задаешь, приглядись внимательней…

                          Freitas, Тенерджи 05



                              • Всего сообщений: 4023

                            @Юрис wrote:

                            Текст на английском о технике НТ читал? Очень полезно на ночь.

                            Ну, это может ты на ночь глядя по-английский зачитываешься, а приличные люди не постят простыни на иностранном языке и уж тем более не понуждают других их читать… А мой уровень, твой уровень… возьми линейку и померь свой уровень…

                            Freitas, Тенерджи 05



                                • Всего сообщений: 1783

                              Юноша,возьми себя в руки! Напоминаю.

                              Эту тему начал JGr 124 Jager 12. Человек просит помочь исправить ошибки,которые видны на ЕГО видео.
                              Делает это видео,надеясь,что более опытные дельными советами подскажут,как избавиться от них.
                              Теперь рядом с его вопросом поставь свои советы и прикинь, корректны ли они.
                              От себя добавлю,что с юмором ты не дружишь совсем,это почти как приговор,трудноизлечимо,дружище!

                              Всё ненормативное,что есть у тебя на душе к моей персоне,лучше в личку,не разводи базар,будь мужиком!



                                  • Всего сообщений: 6075

                                @caracupa wrote:

                                вот смотрим у японки частенько ноги параллельны столы, но иногда во время мощных ударов её заносит после удара или она успевает развернуться перед ударом… но все-таки в основном играет без разворота стойки по отношению к столу

                                А причем здесь топс?
                                Она ведь не делает топс на этом видео.

                                У меня на TTW не работает личная почта.



                                    • Всего сообщений: 5568

                                  Тонкий намек на то, что Фраер постиг законы логики… Сама скромность… Ну, про топс уже по умолчанию молчим

                                  Толстый намек на то, что Карацупе меряние ̶л̶и̶н̶е̶й̶к̶а̶м̶и̶ рангами более по нутру, чем постижение законов логики.
                                  Палеолит овладевает…

                                  Voldemar DIKA, FH Sanwei Target 40d/H3Neo, BH T64
                                  Clipper, FH H3Neo, BH обрезки

                                  Свобода!Равенство!Быстрый клей!

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